queens head, i have to say i think has gone down to what it was, still better than average, the groes, well the menu always seems to read better than it tastes, carlo's was bloody awful, how any one can serve a curdled pasta dish is beyond me, ... pen y bryn, always a good steady one, except those too large bits of potatoes they call chips, hell, a chip should be a chip for god's sake, not some wedge! but it is good. osbourne house a funny one, empire dependable, ...
Y person fydd yn sefyll fydd Neil McKevoy - ymgeisydd sydd fwy neu lai yn berffaith o safbwynt etholiadol - oherwydd ei gefndir mae'n apelio at bleidleiswyr Llafur, Pabyddion (elfen bwysig o boblogaeth y ddinas) a'r lleiafrifoedd ethnic. .... dydi cael rhywun yn sefyll yn enw plaid genedlaetholgar sy'n dweud nad yw'n genedlaetholwr ddim yn ffordd dda o ennill pleidleisiau Cymry Cymraeg, yn enwedig mewn rhan o'r ddinas lle maen nhw'n llai o leiafrif na'r unman arall. ...
Y esterday is gone and tomorrow may never come. F-amily and Friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and enjoy their riches. G-ive more than you planned to give. H-ang on to your dreams. I-gnore those who try to discourage you. ...